Company - Our Environmental Policy
We believe that the protection of our close and wider environment is our responsibility, and the actions we take do indeed prove this statement of ours.
Our manufacturing unit - our headquarters - has its own sewage pretreatment plant, so the water we send to the community supply network is already cleaned. We collect hazardous, paper, and metal wastes selectively. We have a specially designed waste repository for hazardous materials as well as a paper compression machine. Our vehicle fleet is cleaned in our very own car wash, where the water cleaned by an oil separator and a mud-chamber is disposed in a designated area thickly planted with poplars, so the entire process ends with biological purification. The waste heat produced during the operation of the freezer system is used for heating water for domestic use.
Since we try to adapt environmental awareness to our everyday operation, the employees of the company take part in an “environmental awareness” training once a year.